Europe’s largest charity gala in Wiesbaden’s RheinMain CongressCenter was all about top-class sport and the promotion of athletes.
There were impressive performances from the Olympic action sports BMX Park, Skate Park and Breakdance as well as from the non-Olympic disciplines Parkour, BMX Street and Skateboard Street, which are promoted by the Sporthilfe brand „Our House“.
Later, the skate facility was transformed into a #biathlon parkour, with three mixed relays of Olympic and Paralympic athletes competing….
Songwriter Zoe Wees provided the musical highlight of the evening in the midnight show. The warm-up was provided by Michael Schulte.
Since 1972, Sporthilfe, as the most important private sports promotion initiative in Germany, has been supporting young and top athletes on their way to great success.
We at APA do our best every day to offer sportsmen and women the stage they deserve for years of perseverance, sweat and tears.
We were also able to skilfully stage the Ball des Sports with our branding & signage so that the approximately 1,700 high-ranking guests could celebrate an incomparable evening.
In the #TeamD Lounge of Deutsche Sport Marketing, our lifestyle product FanFrame was the eye-catcher.
Congratulations to Thomas Berlemann for his moving opening speech and Karsten Petry and his dedicated Sporthilfe event team for this top performance.
It was a super entertaining evening with impressive show acts and a wonderful ball atmosphere.
We are already looking forward to #Frankfurt 2023.
Ball des Sports! Das Event-Highlight ⭐
Europas größte #BenefizGala im Wiesbadener #RheinMainCongressCenter stand ganz im Zeichen des #Spitzensports und der #Athletenförderung.
Es gab beeindruckende Vorführungen aus den olympischen Actionsportarten #BMX Park, #Skate Park und #Breakdance sowie aus den nicht-olympischen Disziplinen Parkour, BMX Street und Skateboard Street, die von der Sporthilfe-Marke „#OurHouse“ gefördert werden.
Songwriterin #ZoeWees sorgte in der Mitternachtsshow für das musikalische Highlight des Abends. Das Warm up dazu gab es von #MichaelSchulte.
Wir von APA Brands Events Solutions geben tagtäglich unser Bestes, um Sportlern und Sportlerinnen die Bühne zu bieten, die sie für jahrelange Ausdauer, Schweiß und Tränen verdient haben
Auch den #BalldesSports durften wir mit unserem #Branding & #Signage gekonnt in Szene setzen, damit die rund 1.700 hochrangigen Gäste einen unvergleichlichen Abend feiern konnten.
Gratulation an Thomas Berlemann für seine bewegende Eröffnungsrede und Karsten Petry mit seinem engagierten Deutsche Sporthilfe Event-Team zu dieser #Höchstleistung.