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What a weekend – a plethora of goosebump moments were experienced by our CEO, Peter Adelfang, over the weekend:

The Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 have started furiously with 50,000 enthusiastic visitors in the #Olympiastadion-Berlin.

#BerlinerAbend at the invitation of the Governing Mayor #KaiWegner to the #DeutschesTechnikMuseum.

Royal highnesses, ambassadors, top sponsors, partners as well as representatives of the state sports associations, the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) and #athletes.

The evening was quite relaxed and easy-going except for the rain that started at some point – an evening of beautiful encounters.

Saturday 18:00 o´clock
Reception of the #FederalGovernment 🇩🇪 on the occasion of the upcoming #opening of the first #SpecialOlympicsWorldGames in #Germany
Here we also had a wonderful reunion with the managing director of the #InternationaleDeutscheTurnfest 2025 in Leipzig Kati Brenner, who is co-responsible for the supervision of the fabulous amount of 22,000 #volunteers at this mega event.

Saturday 20:15 o´clock
Ceremonial opening in the presence of the #Federal Chancellor and the #Federal President and an impressive show program.
Around 190 delegations presented themselves at the big #induction parade.

The oath of the #athletes, #coaches and #judges took place after another show performance.

Before lighting the Special Olympics flame, German President #FrankWalterSteinmeier declared the #WorldGames 2023 open.

For the grand finale #Madcon presented the official song #AreYouReady.

A performance by the Blue Man Group and an impressive #fireworks display rounded off the program brilliantly.

A truly worthy start and it shows #Germany can host major sporting events

400 hours of TV
Thanks to a unique media alliance, 400 hours of live TV will be shown of the games. Almost a dozen TV broadcasters have joined forces to do so, from the public broadcasters ARD and ZDF to the private broadcasters RTL or SAT.1 and pay-TV stations like Sky or #Telekom.

APA Brands Events Solutions
It was and is a gigantic #teamsport task.

Thanks to the dedicated and motivated work of our #APA team over the last 10 days, we were able to help transform #Berlin into a city of #inclusion for 7,000 #athletes from over 190 #nations.

Good luck to Sven Albrecht and Timothy Shriver for the first Special Olympics World Games Berlin 2023 and unforgettable moments to all athletes.

Photos: IMAGO & APA