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It’s moments like these that remind our CEO, Peter Adelfang, of his own apprenticeship, right down to the grade.

One would have liked it to have been registered at the time. The achievement, the effort to really “bite through” for 3 years.

Things used to be different.

The trainee was called Apprentice and Gendern didn’t exist either.

Was it better because of that? Not at all!

We are glad that we have a different culture for our apprentices at APA Brands Events Solutions.

  • We would like to accompany our trainees as event or industrial clerks in their personal development.
  • We want them to learn to take responsibility at an early stage and enjoy further training.
  • We are looking for Persons who are passionate about shaping and optimising processes with us and who take on their role in the Team in a self-determined, critical but constructive manner.

Today our CEO had the pleasure of once again congratulating one of our current 8 trainees, Darlene Over, on her successful graduation.

Even with the grade.

This also makes us very proud as a training company.

We honour such a thing, regardless of the grade, with a high-quality biros, individually engraved with the trainee’s name, and of course with a well-chilled bottle of champagne to toast with colleagues.

We believe in Generation Z and that’s why we will continue to be happy to train people in the future!